Home » 2015 » August » 12
Hillary Clinton must be the most corrupt woman in politics today even before that ghoul Nancy Pelosi.

It's about time she be brought before a court under oath to answer for what she has been getting away with all these years.

She was the absolute WORST Secretary of State in recent memory.

Her polls are tanking.

Any Democrat still supporting her is only doing it out of stubbornness and refusal to admit that he/she has been hoodwinked by her.

General Patraeus received probation and a fine for pillow talk, and this woman has done 100x worse. She should consider herself lucky if all she gets is a fine.

It speaks volumes about the Democrat party that this is the best they can do and their frontrunner.
Category: Politics | Views: 1718 | Added by: Heeeeey | Date: 2015-Aug-12