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Part II. Awaking in the Dream from the Dream: Why We’re Learning Lucid Dreaming

When most people awake in the morning, they don’t remember their dreams because they jump right back into the program of all the things they need to do that day. They immediately go from delta, which is deep sleep, straight up the brain wave scale to beta, which is thinking and performing tasks. In the process, they don’t have time to slowly transition and gradually climb the ladder of consciousness from delta, to theta, to alpha, to beta. I wanted to give our students enough time to linger in the subconscious states of alpha and theta so that they could begin to awaken the circuity and neuropathways responsible for dream recollection. We’re cultivating these skills for two main ... Read more »
Category: General | Views: 1668 | Added by: Heeeeey | Date: 2017-Nov-18

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Category: General | Views: 1698 | Added by: Heeeeey | Date: 2013-Sep-14